Flexbox Grid Test Page

This is the test page for the CSS3 Flexible Box Grid System, which contains examples of all of the supported interfaces.

Source: Using CSS flexible boxes

The grid is based on the following HTML structure:

... using the following CSS block/element/modifiers:

Grid and Grid-Cell Colors

In all of the examples on this page the grid and grid-cell elements are colored in order to display their behavior. These colors are NOT (of course) an integral part of the grid system and should not be used in production - unless you really fancy magenta and cyan. The colors are defined in the test-grid.css stylesheet referenced in the <head> section of the HTML page.

Grid-Cell Count

In many of the following examples the grid--cell-count modifier class has been added to the wrapper grid elements. The modifier class causes underlying grid-cell elements to display their individual position among the total number of grid-cell elements in the given grid.

Additional Resources
Flexy Boxes
A Complete Guide to Flexbox
Solved by Flexbox
Using CSS flexible boxes

Basic Grids

With Flexbox the grid-cell (and child grid) elements divide the available space among themselves, and can be laid out either horizontally or vertically.

Automatically Calculated Sizes

In the below example, the grid-cell elements should have equal widths (and heights) without the need for additional size modifiers (refer to sizing for more information).

X-Axis (Horizontal) Grids (default)

Y-Axis (Vertical) Grids

When you want to lay out the grid-cell elements vertically, you can simply add a grid--y modifier class to a grid element and its child (grid and) grid-cell elements will subsequently be ordered along the y-axis.

grid--y modifier class added to grid class elements

Adaptive and Equal Widths (with-content examples)

By default the grid system assigns the minimum required widths to grid-cell elements.

Additional Wrapper Elements Required for IE 10

IE 10 requires additional wrapper elements within the grid-cell elements in order to behave correctly. Just for clarity, the said elements have been given a data-role="IE10" attribute in the below example.

Adaptive Widths (default)

The grid-cell elements in the below test-example should each have a unique width, as the widths are calculated based on the contents of the individual grid-cell elements.

Full-height, even when my content doesn't fill the space.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum mollis velit non gravida venenatis. Praesent consequat lectus purus, ut scelerisque velit condimentum eu. Maecenas sagittis ante ut turpis varius interdum. Quisque tellus ipsum, eleifend non ipsum id, suscipit ultricies neque.
Equal sizes
Even though content length differs a lot
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum mollis velit non gravida venenatis. Praesent consequat lectus purus, ut scelerisque velit condimentum eu. Maecenas sagittis ante ut turpis varius interdum. Quisque tellus ipsum, eleifend non ipsum id, suscipit ultricies neque.

Equal Widths

The below grid-cell elements should be equal in size, because of the grid--even modifier class.

Equal widths

The grid--even has been added to the parent grid elements in the below test-examples, which forces the grid-cell elements to divide the available space equally between them.

Full-height, even when my content doesn't fill the space.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum mollis velit non gravida venenatis. Praesent consequat lectus purus, ut scelerisque velit condimentum eu. Maecenas sagittis ante ut turpis varius interdum. Quisque tellus ipsum, eleifend non ipsum id, suscipit ultricies neque.
Equal sizes
Even though content length differs a lot
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum mollis velit non gravida venenatis. Praesent consequat lectus purus, ut scelerisque velit condimentum eu. Maecenas sagittis ante ut turpis varius interdum. Quisque tellus ipsum, eleifend non ipsum id, suscipit ultricies neque.

Fitted/Shrinked/Wrapped Grid-Cells

By default grid and grid-cell elements stretch and fill up the available space of their parent grid element, but you can change this behavior by adding the modifier classes to the individual elements. The following options are available:

X-Axis Grid

Line 1
Line 2
Line 1
Line 2
Line 1
Line 2
g--fit g--cross-start

Absolute height

The following examples have an absolute height specified on the test container element.

g--fit g--cross-start


Main-Axis Alignment

The alignment of grid-cell and nested grid elements along the main-axis is controlled by applying modifier classes to the parent grid element.

Wrapped elements

For the main-axis alignment test-cases the g--fit modifier class has been added to the grid-cell elements to prevent them from spanning the main axis of the grid.


grid--main-start modifier class added to parent grid element. In theory this is unnecessary as it is the default setting, but now we have a class so that we can apply the setting declaratively.

X-Axis Grid


Y-Axis Grid



grid--main-center modifier class added to parent grid element.

X-Axis Grid


Y-Axis Grid



grid--main-end modifier class added to parent grid element.

X-Axis Grid


Y-Axis Grid


Space Between

grid--main-space-between modifier class added to parent grid element.

X-Axis Grid


Y-Axis Grid


Space Around

grid--main-space-around modifier class added to parent grid element.

X-Axis Grid


Y-Axis Grid


Cross-Axis Alignment

Alignment of grid-cell elements along the cross-axis can either be generally controlled by specifying a modifier class on the parent grid element, or individually controlled by specifying a modifier class on the grid-cell element itself.

General Alignment of Child grid-cells

Absolute Heights Added to Examples

In order to display the alignment options a style="height" attribute has been added to the wrapper grid elements.

grid-cross-start modifier class added to grid element.

grid--cross-center modifier class added to grid element.

grid--cross-stretch modifier class added to grid element. This is the default behavior.

Font-Sizes Hard-Coded

The baseline alignment ensures the same baseline for elements regardless of their individual font-sizes. Hence, each grid-cell element in the following example has its own font-size, specified by a style="font-size" attribute.

grid--cross-baseline modifier class added to grid element.


grid--cross-end modifier class added to grid element.

Cross-Axis Alignment of Individual grid-cells

Alignment of grid-cell elements along the cross-axis is controlled by applying modifier classes to the elements themselves.

Baseline Alignment

In order for the baseline alignment to work, there has to be multiple baseline aligned items within a grid. Hence, the elements containing the text baseline 2 have been added to the examples.

X-Axis Grid
Stretch (default/auto)
Baseline 2
Y-Axis Grid
Stretch (default/auto)
Baseline 2

Individual Cross-Axis Alignment in Generally Aligned Grid

grid--cross-end modifier class added to parent grid element to align grid-cell elements along the end of the cross axis, but the modifier classes of the individual grid-cell elements overrides this setting.

Baseline 2
Individual Cross-Axis Alignment in Generally Aligned Grid (Y-Axis Grid)
Baseline 2

Grid-Wide Grid Cell Gutters (grid--gutters)

Sometimes you want to apply the same behavior to all child grid-cell elements of a grid by applying a modifier class to the grid element itself.

General Gutters (Omnidirectional)

Omnidirectional gutters applied to all child grid-cell elements of modified grid element.

grid--gutters modifier class added to grid elements.

X-Axis Grid

Y-Axis Grid

Edge Gutters

Add gutters between the grid and the grid-cell elements.

grid--gutters-edge modifier class added to grid elements.

X-Axis Grid

Y-Axis Grid

Main-Axis Gutters

Add gutters between the grid and the grid-cell elements on the main axis.

grid--gutters-main modifier class added to parent grid element.

X-Axis Grid

Y-Axis Grid

Cross-Axis Gutters

Add gutters between the grid and the grid-cell elements on the cross axis.

grid--gutters-cross modifier class added to parent grid element.

X-Axis Grid

Y-Axis Grid

Grid-Cell Spacing

Add gutters between the grid-cell elements on the main axis.

grid--gutters-between modifier class added to the parent grid element.

X-Axis Grid

Y-Axis Grid

Individual Grid Cell Gutters (g--gutter)

The individual grid cell gutters are used to apply spacing to specific grid-cell elements via modifier classes applied to the elements themselves.

General Gutters (Omnidirectional)

g--gutter added to guttered grid-cell elements.


Directional Gutters

The following modifiers have been applied to the individual grid-cell elements:

  • g--gutter-top: Adds gutters to the top of an element.
  • g--gutter-right: Adds gutters to the right of an element.
  • g--gutter-bottom: Adds gutters to the bottom of an element.
  • g--gutter-left: Adds gutters to the left of an element.

Axis-Wide Gutters

g--gutter-x modifier added to the guttered element.


Main-Axis Gutters

g--gutter-main modifier added to the guttered element.

X-Axis Grid
Y-Axis Grid

Cross-Axis Gutters

g--gutter-cross modifier added to the guttered element.

X-Axis Grid
Y-Axis Grid

Nested Grids

grid--gutters modifier class added to grid elements to add spacing between grid elements. For more details, please refer to grid spacing section.


Proportional sizing of the individual grid-cell elements is achieved by applying a g--XofX, e.g. g--1of2, g--1of3 etc., modifier class to the grid-cell elements that you want to size.

Mixed Example

Y-axis Grid

Absolute height on grid elements

The height of the example container has been absolutely defined, and the container grid elements has had the grid--stretch-height modifier class applied as otherwise the grids would collapse.

Mixed Example

g--stretch-height modifier added to nested grid grid--y elements.


Flex Grow

Modifier class g--byX used to size elements.

Y-Axis Grid

Contrary to the g--XofX definitions, the g--byX definitions don't need an absolute height specified on the parent y-axis grid element in order to work.


Grid-Cell Wrapping in a Grid

By default, grid-cell elements will overflow the parent grid if their combined content is larger than the grid permits. You can change this by adding a modifier class to the parent grid.

Default Behavior



grid--wrap modifier class added to parent grid element.


Grid-Cell Scrolling

Especially for when developing single-page applications (SPAs) you want to be able to have scroll-views which scrolls overflowing content.

Hardcoded height

The the containing grid element has had the grid--stretch-height modifier class applied in order to fill out the text container.

The modifier class g--scroll has been added to scrolling grid-cell.

An additional unspecified wrapper element (identified as data-role="wrapper" in the below example) is required in order for regular HTML content to display correctly - try removing the element and you will notice that the p elements line up beside each other instead of below.

I don't scroll

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae felis in leo sollicitudin dapibus. Cras eget porta sem. Vivamus venenatis quam eget orci aliquet consequat. Donec feugiat pretium diam, non consectetur purus dignissim eget. Quisque ac nisl laoreet, auctor nisl ac, commodo sapien. Integer at dui sed ligula sollicitudin auctor et at diam. Integer dolor nulla, rhoncus tristique nunc ac, consectetur vulputate mi. Nam consectetur, enim et faucibus pulvinar, lorem elit mattis nibh, in porttitor magna augue vitae elit. Nunc ornare luctus magna, et suscipit dui molestie ac. Sed sodales nulla quam, eu faucibus massa fringilla in. Integer sed tortor luctus, hendrerit ante at, commodo nulla.

Nulla facilisi. Proin blandit molestie dui, ac porttitor magna elementum id. Praesent consectetur sagittis lectus, at tempor justo vulputate vitae. Cras turpis nulla, aliquet sed sapien eu, accumsan lobortis ipsum. Sed at nisi sodales, varius felis id, vulputate purus. Ut accumsan metus tortor, non accumsan lectus viverra at. Donec ullamcorper ipsum rutrum, cursus justo eu, dignissim leo. Fusce pellentesque adipiscing dui nec viverra.

I don't scroll either

The grid--gutters modifier class has been added to the wrapper grid element in the below example in order to better display the individual scrolling grid-cell elements.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae felis in leo sollicitudin dapibus. Cras eget porta sem. Vivamus venenatis quam eget orci aliquet consequat. Donec feugiat pretium diam, non consectetur purus dignissim eget. Quisque ac nisl laoreet, auctor nisl ac, commodo sapien. Integer at dui sed ligula sollicitudin auctor et at diam. Integer dolor nulla, rhoncus tristique nunc ac, consectetur vulputate mi. Nam consectetur, enim et faucibus pulvinar, lorem elit mattis nibh, in porttitor magna augue vitae elit. Nunc ornare luctus magna, et suscipit dui molestie ac. Sed sodales nulla quam, eu faucibus massa fringilla in. Integer sed tortor luctus, hendrerit ante at, commodo nulla.

Nulla facilisi. Proin blandit molestie dui, ac porttitor magna elementum id. Praesent consectetur sagittis lectus, at tempor justo vulputate vitae. Cras turpis nulla, aliquet sed sapien eu, accumsan lobortis ipsum. Sed at nisi sodales, varius felis id, vulputate purus. Ut accumsan metus tortor, non accumsan lectus viverra at. Donec ullamcorper ipsum rutrum, cursus justo eu, dignissim leo. Fusce pellentesque adipiscing dui nec viverra.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae felis in leo sollicitudin dapibus. Cras eget porta sem. Vivamus venenatis quam eget orci aliquet consequat. Donec feugiat pretium diam, non consectetur purus dignissim eget. Quisque ac nisl laoreet, auctor nisl ac, commodo sapien. Integer at dui sed ligula sollicitudin auctor et at diam. Integer dolor nulla, rhoncus tristique nunc ac, consectetur vulputate mi. Nam consectetur, enim et faucibus pulvinar, lorem elit mattis nibh, in porttitor magna augue vitae elit. Nunc ornare luctus magna, et suscipit dui molestie ac. Sed sodales nulla quam, eu faucibus massa fringilla in. Integer sed tortor luctus, hendrerit ante at, commodo nulla.

Nulla facilisi. Proin blandit molestie dui, ac porttitor magna elementum id. Praesent consectetur sagittis lectus, at tempor justo vulputate vitae. Cras turpis nulla, aliquet sed sapien eu, accumsan lobortis ipsum. Sed at nisi sodales, varius felis id, vulputate purus. Ut accumsan metus tortor, non accumsan lectus viverra at. Donec ullamcorper ipsum rutrum, cursus justo eu, dignissim leo. Fusce pellentesque adipiscing dui nec viverra.


With flexbox you can change the order of appearance for flex-items without having to change the order of the HTML.

By default, each flex-item has an order: 0 (the equivalent of box-ordinal-group: 1 in older browsers/versions of Flexbox) - and the higher the order value, the farther back the element will be rendered. This means that if you only specify an order value higher than 0 on a single grid-cell in a collection (leaving the rest unspecified), the element with the order value higher than 0 will be rendered at the end of the collection, as the rest of the elements will have order: 0 by default.

CSS Pseudo Classes Still Respected Although Visual Order Has Changed

When using flexbox's reordering capabilities the style-definitions for the CSS pseudo classes :first-child and :last-child still follow the HTML element order.

The grid--gutters modifier class has been added to the grid elements to showcase the problem, i.e. that gutters which should have been applied at the start and end of the grid are instead applied between the grid-cell elements. Although this is not a deal-breaker, it's something to be aware of when developing flexbox components.

g--order1 modifier class added to the first grid-cell element.

First in HTML
Second in HTML
First in HTML
Second in HTML
Third in HTML